Air Barriers

What is an Air Barrier?

An air barrier is a continuous layer or system of materials that is designed and installed to prevent the uncontrolled movement of air through the building envelope. Its purpose is to create a barrier that reduces air leakage and improves energy efficiency by limiting the transfer of heat and moisture.

Fun Fact- Most homes PRE-2000S did not have air barriers in place to help control heating intrusion.

WHere is an Air Barrier Installed?

The air barrier is typically installed on the interior or exterior side of the building envelope, encompassing walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, and attics. It is meant to seal gaps, cracks, and penetrations where air can pass through, ensuring that the conditioned air remains inside the building and unconditioned air stays outside.

WHere are the characteristics of an air barrier?

Key characteristics of an effective air barrier include:

  1. Continuity: The air barrier should be continuous and without significant interruptions, providing a sealed envelope around the building.

  2. Air Tightness: The materials used in the air barrier should have minimal air permeability, preventing the uncontrolled flow of air.

  3. Durability: The air barrier system should be durable and resistant to damage to maintain its integrity over time.

  4. Compatibility: The air barrier materials should be compatible with other building components, such as insulation, vapor barriers, and moisture management systems.

What is the goal of having an air barrier in place?

An effective air barrier helps improve the energy efficiency and comfort of a building by reducing air infiltration and exfiltration. It enhances the performance of insulation by minimizing convective heat loss or gain, prevents moisture problems associated with air leakage, and contributes to maintaining a consistent indoor temperature and better indoor air quality.

To achieve an airtight building envelope, a combination of air barrier materials, such as membranes, tapes, caulks, and sealants, is often used. Proper installation and attention to detail are essential to ensure a continuous air barrier throughout the building.

It's important to note that while an air barrier helps control air movement, it should be complemented with proper ventilation strategies to ensure adequate fresh air exchange and maintain indoor air quality. The balance between air sealing and ventilation is crucial for creating a healthy and energy-efficient building.

Before choosing any materials, it is recommended to consult with Smart Energy Professionals first so we can assess your specific needs and provide guidance on the most suitable insulation solution for your project. Schedule an energy audit today, or contact us if you have questions about if you might have air leaks!


Foam Board


Mineral Wool