4 Signs You Should Get An ENergy Audit

An energy audit is a thorough and comprehensive examination of your home’s comfort and efficiency. Below are commonalities of homeowners who requested an energy audit and how it could be linked to an inefficient home. Read on to learn if Smart Energy Pros can help you!

You Use Window AC Units or Space Heaters

If you are using window units on the top floor of your home in the summer or a space heater in the room above your crawl space during winter. This is a sign that these rooms/areas are uncomfortable and one potential reason is the lack of insulation and air sealing. At Smart Energy Pros we work with you on how best to make your home comfortable without having to use these wasteful band-aids.

Noticeable Temperature Differences Between The Floors Of Your Home

A common problem among older homes is the inability to effectively contain air from the furnace or AC unit. This shows up in the bills spiking during the winter and summer but also noticeable temperature differences when you walk up the stairs. These problems are related and are likely because of leaks and poor insulation within your home’s attic and foundation.

The thermostat can never hit the set temperature

Image of a thermostat set to cool to 71 degrees but it can only get to 73 degrees.

In certain homes, a home is not able to cool to 70 degrees in the summer or heat to 72 in the winter. This is likely because the home is unable to effectively contain the conditioned air.

You Have Pests From Your Foundation

The same gaps allowing critters to enter your home are the same gaps that allow outside air to come in and raise your bills and make you uncomfortable. Smart Energy Pros performs a comprehensive and thorough inspection of your home, including your small crawl space, to identify and seal these leaks.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then understand there can be feasible and cost effective solutions! Schedule an energy today to understand your options.


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